What's New?
- The lastest Emacs
,, is out (January 3, 2024).
- It has great syntax highlighting, including commands from
user-written software you've installed.
- It can send code directly to Stata in Mac/Windows/Unix.
- It can easily open files on your ado-path.
- It supports unicode.
If you have MELPA
enabled you can grab and install it directly in Emacs.
- More information is here.
What's Old?
Aside from my ado-mode, pretty much everything
Standard Fare
- My Stata page has instructions for getting my Emacs ado-mode and some extensions to the Stata stats package.
- Here are some how-to's, including a brief Emacs tutorial, for those who want it.
- Professional Info consists of a resume and a fairly a standard format CV.
- Here is an unsolicited plug for KEOS, a good community radio station in College Station.
- Useful Links are a series of links to Important Items of statistical or computing nature.
- Personal Interest pages are jump-offs to humor, strangeness, and otherwise non-professional items.
- Louisville Computer Society stuff
Small Note
- I stumbled on this series of photos of the ghost towns left behind after Chernobyl blew its lid. It's from a ukrainian motorcyclist touring the dead zone in Byelorus. Both sad and interesting.
If you find any links which you think ought to be added to these pages,
just send them along!
Bill Rising (brising@mac.com)